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Keyboard Shortcuts

RamSync notes allow for a wide array of custom formatting, as the note bodies are saved in HTML! If you can HTML it, you can display it in RamSync notes.

The following are RamSync shortcuts, designed to help make the process fast and intuitive!

ActionsKeyboard shortcuts
Create new NoteAlt + n
Save/update Note/CollectionAlt + s
Switch to Graph viewAlt + g
Switch to Table viewAlt + t
Switch to Board viewAlt + b

Because not everyone wants to jump into the HTML, we’ve also provide a Rich Text Editor, along with keyboard shortcuts, that renders the HTML.

ActionsKeyboard shortcuts
Toolbar focusalt + f10
Insert linkctrl + k
Insert imagectrl + shift + i
Insert tablectrl + shift + e
Undoctrl + z
Redoctrl + y
Copyctrl + c
Cutctrl + x
Pastectrl + v
Boldctrl + b
Italicctrl + i
Underlinectrl + u
Strikethroughctrl + shift + s
Uppercasectrl + shift + u
Lowercasectrl + shift + l
Superscriptctrl + shift + =
Subscriptctrl + =
Indentsctrl + ]
Outdentsctrl + [
HTML sourcectrl + shift + h
Fullscreenctrl + shift + f
Justify centerctrl + e
Justify fullctrl + j
Justify leftctrl + l
Justify rightctrl + r
Clear formatctrl + shift + r
Ordered listctrl + shift + o
Unordered listctrl + alt + o

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